Global Automotive Coil Spring Market Analysis

Global Automotive Coil Spring Market Analysis

If you are in the coil spring market or are planning to get into it, you need to know what the prospects for the market are.  As more people venture into the automotive industry or buy new cars, the need for these springs increases.  Currently, the coil spring market has been valued at 3464 million USD, and it is predicted that this number will keep rising as time goes by.

Market Definition

Automotive spring coils are mostly used in suspension vehicles. They store energy and release it as the need arises which means you can drive a heavier load without working about your shocks. They are used all over the world in most vehicles on the road.

The Dynamics

These are the main reasons why there is a rise in the need for automotive coil springs;

  • An increase in the manufacture of high-suspension cars
  • Need for better road transport
  • A need to have quality high, performance materials in the industries

As more people understand the importance of having quality motor vehicles, so does the need for having automotive spring coils since they play a major role in this.

The following are the opportunities available when automotive coil springs are put to good use.

  • The opportunity to make new products for the industry. More manufacturing plants are coming up with newer car models that need to use suspension coil springs. There are also plans to improve on older car models by introducing shock absorbers with these springs.
  • Investment in medium and heavy commercial vehicles that carry out bulk transportation. To ensure these cars can handle the long hauls and heavy lifting. 


Just like with every business, there are some challenges that slow down the use of coil springs in the market. If these issues are not resolved, then the growth of the industry will be affected.


One of the main challenges with these springs is the corrosion. The springs are often improperly coated, and this leads to spring damage due to overweight. Fixing this issue will mean the springs offer better value to the cars they are installed in.

Market Scope

The market scope when it comes to these springs is segmented based on the kind of car, the type of spring and the application. These different segments all grow at different paces based on the current demand in the market.  If you want to know if they work for you, then you need to look at these different markets separately.

Market research shows that there is room for growth when it comes to matter automotive springs. There are different trends in the market that show room for growth in all these areas. Knowing what to look at or expect will go a long way to ensure that you can grow and expand your market appropriately. 

At GL Metal, we are committed to ensuring you stay informed when it comes to matters spring. Check us out today and reach out in case you have any questions regarding the current market analysis of automotive coil springs.